Viral: Old Woman Was Maltreated By Her Pregnant Daughter! Here's How?

The video about an old woman maltreated by her pregnant daughter was posted in The Facebook Page Vice Ganda was went viral. Many netizens shared their sentiments and render their sympathy to the old woman. The pregnant daughter was taking a bath her Old Mother in their house but the netizen was shocked when she pours water on the head of her mother without any reason she hit the head by a plastic can. After pouring some water on the head before putting shampoo again she hurt her mother by pulling the hair. It was a heartbreaking situation not accepted to be done to the old mother by the children as a showing of respect to the one who bears them for nine months in her womb.

Some people passing the area ignores the maltreatment and they don't interfere the maltreatment of the daughter to her mother. Many netizens react on this unacceptable treatment of the heartless daughter. They share their sympathy about the situation of the poor old mother. Some are cursing the pregnant daughter that maltreating her mother.

Another netizen commented that it must be informed to the social welfare and inform to the media so that immediate action will be given to the irresponsible daughter. This video was secretly recorded so that it can be posted and shared on the social media to inform the responsible authorities to take action on this heartless acts of the daughter. Kindly share this video so that the relatives or neighbor that can identify the pregnant woman can inform the maltreatment she has done to the old woman.

Source: Vice Ganda Official Facebook Page
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