Amazing Transformation Of A Dark Skinned Kid To A Gorgeous Fairer Mestiza Lady That Captures The Attention Of The Netizens

The puberty challenge has been viral in social media for the past several months that everyone joined this challenged particularly the celebrities in the showbiz industry. The challenge shows many surprises and amazement comparing their kid's stage with their adulthood. It is common to have a change as we grow older but this girl has changes that really amazed, surprised and exceptionally captures the attention of the netizen because she looks more beautiful, gorgeous and particularly her dark skin transform to a fairer skin.

Her transformation is so different and far beyond compare to the other people who joined the puberty challenge. Do you know who is this lady that captures the attention of the netizens and amazed the people who have seen her surprising transformation from a dark brown skin to a fairer mestiza girl? Her name is Erika Cai Cortez that this young girl stands out before any other girl who joined the puberty challenge when she shared her photo in the #PubertyChallenge.

As you can see on her first picture, the young Erika shows her innocent face and with a dark brown skin. It is common to a Filipina of having a dark brown skin just like most of the Filipina girls and young woman nowadays. And her second picture that makes her viral in the social media is a fairer and mestiza skin that can be compared to a western gorgeous lady that everyone has dreamed.

And because of this amazing transformation of a dark brown innocent kid to a gorgeous fairer mestiza beauty that amazed the netizens are now puzzled what was her secret in achieving this fairer mestiza beauty that every Filipina wanted to have it. Maybe she found out the secret of having a mestiza skin and this is what the netizens want to discover. Is there no possibility to find out the secret of being a mestiza girl today since there are many beauty products emerged promising to have a fairer and mestiza skin? What can you say about her amazing transformation? Kindly share your thoughts and ideas of how she achieved this mestiza fairer skin.

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