Talent Fee nina Maine Mendoza at Alden Richards inilabas na

Every celebrity has the talents and skills and that is the reason why they were admired by the people. They rose to fame because of their talents and skills that capture the heart of the people. And the celebrities in showbiz industry has different talent fees. It is base on their fame and popularity the talent fees given by their sponsors.

There is an issue that went viral on the social media about the talent fees of the two hottest love teams in the showbiz industry today. It was posted by @HarperDaphneZ comparing the talent fees of the two love team
" Dalawa LT's under Smart corp., but JaDine got their main brand. The other one is their more pang masa line. #SmartKaPartnerJaDine"

And because of this post by one JaDine's fan, AlDub Nation @08jamesmaichard replied defending the AlDub Love Team
" Gusto mo b sabihin ko magkanu TF ng idol mo sa Smart?? Mababa sya compare sa LT ko..gusto mo ba??" 
And because of this social media exchange of message, many fans from the different fans club have the interest to know the real talent fee of both love teams. Another AlDub Nation @LurkerAllDay posted the talent fee of the both love teams according to her Auntie that was working in one leading beauty products company.

We will not mention the exact value so that the other party will not be offended. But for the AlDub Nation, it not good for comparing the talent fee of both love teams because they create misunderstanding. But for the AlDub Nation, it is not the value of the talent fees but for the talents and skills of their idols. And remember, the AlDub Love team is only two years in the showbiz industry but their career has gone too far compare with other love teams in the showbiz industry in the country.

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