This Female Model’s Life Was Destroyed By This Plastic Surgery Ad Turned Meme That Went Viral On Internet

Have you seen this family picture that went viral on the internet? This plastic surgery ad captures the attention of the people around the world and several people shared and liked the photos. But the truth behind this viral photo was a terrifying effect on the female model that resulted to wrecked her career and life of being a model. It is a lesson to learn that the internet needs to be careful and cautious as the famous saying goes " Think before you click".

Because of the consequences of this model accepting of this plastic surgery ad, teach her and everybody regarding the effects of her decision and action. It was last 2004 when this ad comes out and become viral worldwide. The photo ad has the story behind about the two gorgeous couple. The husband wants to divorce his wife because they have not good looking children in spite of their gorgeous physical features. The ad represents the wife was not honest that she was born pretty. The husband discovered that the woman had just a plastic surgery that's why she had gorgeous looks.

Definitely, that it displays in the newspapers and daily tabloids, many people bear in mind that it was true. But the reality and the truth is that just an ads for a cosmetic clinic. The caption of the ads makes the people think it in a negative way
 "The only thing you have to worry about after plastic surgery is explaining it to your children." 
 It appears that the gorgeous couple who had their children were surprisingly ugly kids in spite of their excellent facial features. The clinic wants to emphasize the people that their services can be made something different in their life. The clinic perspective was on the bright and positive side of life, but unfortunately, it turns out to be negative to the model's life and even worse. When the photo ad went viral, various talent agencies and companies come into their mind that she absolutely underwent plastic surgery.

The result was losing her expected clients and product endorsements. And unfortunately that even her family is not convinced that her good looking face is genuine. The model told that
"People refused to believe that I had never had plastic surgery. Clients would ask me if I was the woman in the picture. After this, I only got small roles in advertisements." 

 Her life was ruined because of the false assumption of the people that she underwent plastic surgery and gone a lot of money for her prospective clients and endorsements because she lost her jobs and profession. It is not only her that experience this incorrect memes and wrong information that ruined her life. There are mixed reactions from the netizen that garnered this viral photo ad. What can you say about the story, impact that bear in your mind regarding this viral photo ads, is it negative or positive impact? Kindly share your thoughts and ideas regarding this incident.

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