Heart-wrenching Videos of A Daddy Digs Up A Grave For Her Extremely Sick Little Daughter

The children are the most precious gift from God, but losing it from your side forever will surely the saddest event that will happen in your life. It is the most painful experience of a parent if he will lose his children because it is the child that brings happiness and joy in the house.

But a hopeless father from China made up a grave for her extremely sick daughter to prepare her at the end of her life. The heart-wrenching story of Mr. Zhang Liyong was disclosed in a video where the loving father from Sichuan province was caught laying in the grave with her 2 years old daughter. The father explained that her daughter Zhang Xinlei was brought to that place to be prepared and known for her future burial area. It starts when Xinlei is a 2 months old and was diagnosed with Thalassemia, it is an inherited blood disorder which produces a small amount of hemoglobin.

A person with this type of disease will require a long time treatment by blood transfusion or Chelation therapy. Based on the statement of the loving father of Xinlei, they have already total expenses of 100,000 Yuan or approximately Php 700,000 for the child's treatment and medication and they can no longer afford her medical payments presently. Zhang added
" We borrowed money from many, but they are no longer willing to lend us more," 
The parents of Xinlei has now an upcoming child and hoping to get umbilical cord blood to treat Xinlei, but they know that they could not have enough money to sustain the transplant to save their child.

The mother expressed
" We have been driven into a corner. There is no other option." 
Because of their poverty and unable to sustain the needs of their daughter for medication and operation they gave up the treatment for Xinlei and preparing for the little child in the time of ending the precious life of their daughter. The father added
"I could only come up with this idea bringing her to play at this place. This is where she will rest in peace. All I can do is accompanying her every day," 
The desperate father is longing that in this procedure, his daughter Xinlei will be prepared and comfortable and have no fear when the little girl gives up the ghost. What can you say about the heartbreaking idea of the desperate father? Kindly share your opinions and idea regarding this heartbreaking story.

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