WARNING: Do Not Kiss Everyone; New HPV Outbreaks That Can Destroy Life Rapidly Than AIDS/HIV!

College students from Kisii University in Kenya and the general public have been alerted regarding careless kissing to anybody because of the outbreaks of Human Papilloma Virus, which has examined several people confessed at Kisii Level 5 hospital after finding out positive to the disease.

HPV is an infectious disease which leads to mouth cancer and is transferred by the infected body fluids and this is the reason why the people have been alerted against kissing anybody

The signs including a sore throat, extreme headache, high fever, nausea and abdominal pains. A third-year public health student from Kisii University said
" we were told that public health officers from this area are working round the clock to know the root cause of this. But we are being advised even on WhatsApp groups to avoid kissing and exchanging body fluids."

The HPV is slowly circulating Kenya and increasingly making its way to the Southern parts of Africa and in the near future hit Africa largely. Africans are known to travel several places around the world. If the people are not careful and aware of this outbreaks will spread around the world in a little time.

All are advised to alert and notify family members, relatives, friends and colleagues about this fatal disease that destroy life faster than HIV/AIDS.The Third year student added
" Please make sure this warning gets to your loved ones". 
Please share it to your friends to warn them to be aware of this new fatal disease.

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