This Girl Not Wearing Underwear Unexpectedly Lose Her Pants During Her Carnival Rides

A couple having a date in one of the Costa Rican Amusement Park. They were decided to ride on a well-known carnival ride called "La Tagada" which requires the carnival riders to hold on the metal bars as the rounded platform rotates and shakes intermittently. To prevent from getting unbalanced, one has to concentrate on holding onto the metal bars. The viral video footage shows a girl striving to keep her pants in place while still on the 'La Tagada' carnival rides. In spite of the colorful and beautiful sites in the amusement park, many of the people in the park make themselves amuse by the girl shameful situation.

Unluckily, this girl decided not to wear any underwear completely. And unexpectedly that she rode with her boyfriend on 'La Tagada' and slightly lose her pants in the middle of the ride. And makes possible for them the carnival goers and riders to have a glance on her unexpectedly.

Fortunately, her boyfriend perceived she was striving to keep her pants in good position and place, he quickly tried to help her girlfriend and cover it up from the shameful incident. In spite of the effort exerted by her boyfriend to cover her up, they were desperate and still, the carnival rides continues to shake and move. The humorous rescue attempt of her boyfriend call the attention of the people around them that who could not save their day and help the girl but to stop and watch the incident.

Source: Reader's Fill,CrapBuzz
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