Garlic In Milk: Great Cures For Asthma, Pneumonia, Arthritis And More Diseases

Did you know that the garlic is very helpful food for your body, especially because of its antibiotics and anti-inflammatory characteristics, which is beneficial in fighting various types of infections and health complication? This is the formula for a drink that serves like a medicine and that is good for the general health. Garlic milk is the natural cure with numerous characteristics and is especially efficient for fighting worms and relieving aches. This alternative cure also beneficial in fighting multiple health diseases and other disturbing complications that can prohibit you from living a normal life.

Milk- 500 ml
Garlic- 10 cloves, peeled and chopped
Sugar- 2-3 teaspoon
How to prepare:
1.Combine the water and Milk and pour into a pan.
2.Mix the garlic with the water and milk and put on a heat. Let stay for a couple of time until it boils. 3.Let the heat on a moderate, continuous stirring, until all the mixture evaporates to half of the initial amount.
4.Strain and mix with sugar, This drink is excellent when served hot.

The health benefits you will obtain from Garlic Milk:
A.Asthma-The asthma will be relieved by consuming three cloves of garlic every.
B.Pneumonia-Upon consuming garlic milk 3 times a day you will cure pneumonia.
C. Cardiac problems- this drink is effective decreases the levels of the LDL cholesterol popularly known as bad cholesterol, avoiding the development of clots, in such a way helping the circulatory system of the body.
D. Curing Jaundice-if you drink garlic milk for four to five days you will treat jaundice. Garlic is good for the removal of the unwanted toxins from the body through the liver.
E.Arthritis- If you drink the garlic milk daily, you will decrease the symptoms of arthritis, including the swelling and aches.

F.Insomnia-the garlic milk will be an aid to lessen the sleeping problems, be glad to the soothing compounds that garlic contains.
G-Tuberculosis- this formula is very good for curing diseases in the chest. The sulfur elements in the garlic make this drink very effective against the disease.
H.Cough-combine with turmeric, this mixture is very good for curing persistent cough.
I.Cholesterol-if you drink hot garlic milk regularly for one week, you will decrease the levels of bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein(LDL).
J.Impotence-It is a very good treatment for impotence, furthermore, eating boiled pieces of garlic victoriously fight infertility in both men and women.
K.Sciatica-drinking of this mixture over a range of time it will be beneficial in reducing sciatica aches.

Source: Healthy Journal.Healthy Viral 24
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