Nadine Lustre was born October 31, 1993, while Sarah Lahbati was born Oct. 9, 1993. Here are another list of celebrities with the same age and their birthdays.
1. Anne Curtis and Solenn Heusaff have the same age of 31. Anne Curtis was born Feb. 17, 1985, while Solenn Heusaff was born on July 20, 1985.

3.Cheska Garcia and Phoemela Baranda have the same age of 36. Cheska Garcia was born on July 24, 1980, while Phoemela Baranda was born on October 1, 1980.
4. Bianca Gonzales and Iza Calzado have the same age of 33. Bianca Gonzales was born on March 11, 1983, while Iza Calzado was born on August 12, 1983.

5. Ruffa Gutierrez and Charlene Gonzales have the same age of 42. Ruffa Gutierrez was born on June 24, 1974, while Charlene Gonzales was born on May 1, 1974.

6. Regine Velasquez and Gretchen Baretto have the same age of 46. Regine Velasquez was born on April 22, 1970, while Gretchen Barretto was born on March 6, 1970.

7. Angel Aquino and Gelli De Belen have the same age of 44. Angel Aquino was born on February 7, 1973, while Gelli De Belen was born on May 26, 1973.

Some of the age of the celebrities has been edited and updated upon writing this article compared to the video below but it is only a minor thing. Kindly check the video below for more specific details and up to date age of the celebrities listed above.