Alden Bumalik pa sa NAIA Airport para kay Lola na nag Abang sa Kanya

Alden Richads at Ninoy Aquino International Airport...

Alden back to accommodate the lola in the airport, he take pictures with lola,
he asked lola if she's doing good and laugh together with lola, For sure ALDUB Nation saw what Alden did to lola.

that's why Alden earned a lot of tweets from ALDUB Nation saying that Alden is truly a kindhearted person with a hashtag of "ALDUBExclusivelyYours",
also Alden earned a lot of personal praises not by the ALDUB Nation but by the people around the world because of what he did.

This kindhearted thing that Alden did is one of the reason why he been loved and idolized not only by his fans but by the whole ALDUB Nation fans throughout the world.

Source: Ron Sagun
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