Pambabastos kay Alden Richards kinunan pa ng Video

One of the Alden Richards hater's shot a video on how he crumpled Alden's Mega Magazine and swipe into the table and throw it away until the Magazine fell on the floor, Alden's haters post on twitter, he said.
"Napikon ako dahil sabi ko sa pinabili ko ng Magazine na wag isama yung kay Parekoy Alden, ayan tuloy ginawa ko sa magazine nya"

AlDub Nation react about on this issue, they said that the user was a basher that who want to destroy Alden, The AlDub Nation defense Alden Richards on his haters, they fight for Alden Richards, AlDub Nation is always there to support Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza to their basher, they fight for AlDub.

Source: Ron Sagun
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