Hinaing ng AlDub Nation sa pag-blocked ng Eat Bulaga

AlDub Nation Complained in Eat Bulaga for blocking them, The aldub nation didn't expect that the eat bulaga will blocked them in twitter because in the first place, the aldub nation is one of the reason why the Maine and alden tandem or what we called aldub success in their shows, concerts, movies and especially on their career. 

The Aldub nation solidly support maine and alden till the last click of their love team thats why the Aldub nation was shocked and hurt for what happened.The AlDub Nation was so disappointed to Eat Bulaga.

But maybe, people dont know whats the real reason of eat bulaga for blocking aldub nation on twitter. Maybe, the aldub nation says something that eat bulaga dont like or maybe, the aldub nation is too much to enter the private life of maine and alden. We all dont know, what people do now is to wait for the answer of the side of eat bulaga according to this issue.

Source: Ron Sagun
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