Maine Mendoza has the possibility to be the first guest of the Queen of All Media Ms. Kris Aquino. the rumor was from the tweet of Showbiz Banter with hashtag #ALDUBMistakenIdentity " MAINE MENDOZA is possibly the FIRST celebrity that Kris Aquino will interview for her new show. Queen of Talk Hints"

The Queen of All Media recently did not sign the contract from her mother network and spread the news that she will transfer to the other network because of not signing the new contract from her mother TV Network.

It was a good idea and good news to the Aldub Nation that Maine will be the first guest of Kris Aquino that was dub as the Queen of All Media.The Aldub Nation are now excited and waiting for the first guesting of Maine to the show of the Queen of All media.

Source: Ron Sagun
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