WATCH: Pres. Duterte makes a powerful speech before going Peru

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte will attend the his first APEC Summit meeting in Lima Peru from Nov. 19-20, 2016. The Philippines is a member of 21 member country of APEC that aims the Asia Pacific Region for free trade, investments and economic growth of the council members.Before he leaves the country for the Economic summit the President delivers a strong and powerful speech to his leaders in the government.

Some part of the speech of Pres. Duterte was

"The Philippines is open for business. We will do everything to make sure that business, particularly our MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises), will thrive and flourish — small and medium. I will highlight government policy support as well as efforts to address corruption and criminality as building blocks of a strong and resilient economy aimed at inclusive and continued growth. As I have said before, your government is working very hard to make sure that our economy will finally take flight."

The country is expecting more socio economic growth and supports of the APEC members to the Duterte Administration after this summit. the duterte administration working hard so that the country will not left behind with the other members of the council

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