PANOORIN: Alden at Maine, nahuli sa cam na sobrang sweet off cam

Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza was been catch up their sweetness in the Kalye Serye by the "huli cam".On the short video Alden Richards was been caught up kissing Maine Mendoza on her cheek. That sweetness overload scene of Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards really catch up the attention of the Netizens around the world especially the ALDUB Fans or what people called the ALDUB Nations.

Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards never failed to give happiness, excitement and positiveness to all the people who's been supporting them since day one of their successful career.

For sure this sweet scene of Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards will be trend again in social media by earning a lot of comments, status, tweets, retweets and likes coming from their fans which is the ALDUB Nations and all the Netizens throughout the Philippines and the while world.

A video posted by Aldub❤️Maichard Kilig Videos (@aldenmainevideos) on
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