Heavy Cell Phone Use Caused Brain Tumor According To Italy's Supreme Court Ruling!

The majority of the people in the world use mobile phones and not aware that this device emits radiation near to your head and causes a potential danger of having a brain tumor. The supreme court of Italy has a court ruling regarding of a businessman who heavily uses his mobile phones got a brain tumor which was connected for his heavy use of mobile phones as needed in his business. The businessman Inocente Marcolini, was using a mobile phone for several hours approximately five to six hours daily for about twelve years while conversating with his business clients.

The tumor has a build up in his trigeminal nerve at a location very near to the location of the phone in his head when he is using for calling and contacting his business clients. Because of this tumor, he is obliged to have a surgery and his faced was paralyzed partially. The businessman appeal and seeks help to collect compensation from the Italian Workers Compensation Authority(INAIL). But the INAIL respond to his appeal that he has no evidence that because of his heavy use of mobile phones related to his job he got a tumor.

He appeals to the higher court and it was decided and the court ruled that there is a connection between the use of mobile phones with the tumor he is now presently suffered. It appears that the INAIL have confidence on the interphone study to have a conclusion regarding the appeal of Marcolini. But the Supreme Court judgment includes the research of Professor Lennart Hardell of Sweden saying that they had several cases regarding the long time use.

The professor found out that those who starts utilizing their mobile phones heavily being teenagers have a risk of having four to five times more chances of brain cancer as compared to young adults. The Italian Workers Compensation Authority (INAIL) tries to appeal the decision of the Supreme Court of Italy, but discredit it and stating that the decision of the court was justified with probable scientific proof that will support the charges of Marcolini.

Source: Mercola
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