Reading This Topic Will Encourage You To Eat Kamias Regularly!

Kamias is not known as tropical fruit and possibly the most underestimated fruits in the has close relations with Star Fruit or Balimbing. This fruit is enriched with Vitamin b and C, Iron, phosphorus and with anti-oxidants since it is not widely known compared to other tropical fruit like Balimbing or Star Fruit but it becomes popular because of its highly nutritional values and contents.Not only nutritional benefits but the medicinal benefit can be taken with this tropical fruit Kamias. Here are the important health benefits of Kamias.

1. Cough Treatment. Mix a few grains of fennel,3 pieces of Kamias and sugar. Mix the mixture with water and bring it to boil and steam for many hours. Drink the water mixture into two. The first one is in the morning without taking any food and the other half will be in the evening.

2. Diabetes Treatment. It is beneficial to all the people encountering Diabetes. You needed 6 pieces of Kamias crushed, and mixed with one glass of water. let the mixture boil and strain the water and drink it two times a day.

3. Acne treatment. It is really effective in the treatment of Acne because of its acidic substances content in Kamias. By putting a crushed Kamias on the affected area of the skin and leave it for several minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

4. Thrush Treatment. Because of the acidic substance content of Kamias, it can help to treat the thrush. The treatment is considerably painful but it will treat thrush. By putting some crushed Kamias on the affected area.

5. Rheumatism. To relieve the pain of rheumatism crushed a handful of Kamias leaves and one piece of Kamias fruit until smooth. Mix the Kamias leaves and fruits with water and apply on the affected areas twice to thrice a day.

6. Muscle Stiffness Treatment. Just mix a handful of Kamias leaves, one piece of Kamias fruit, 10 grains of cloves and 15 grains of peppercorns. Mix also with vinegar. When the mixtures soften apply the mixtures on the affected areas.

Source: Your Fellas
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