Warning! A Woman Hiding Out The Streets Claimed To Be Hypnotizing Children! Here's What Happened?

Hypnotism is a very magical occurrence that confuses many humans throughout the times. The person involves in a half sleep and awake state and not aware of everything except the instruction of the person who hypnotized them. It is compared to a victim of budol-budol that the person is always following the ordered of the person without any hesitation of following any instruction. Very few scientific proof on this phenomenon but it is happening in the real world. The same with the budol-budol gang modus operandi and this CCTV footage posted by the Facebook user Isidro Mintar. From his post, he indicated the disturbing CCTV footage of a certain girl who he accused of hypnotizing children.

According to the explanation of Isidro that the woman snatched his niece and the child followed her. The child was transported to Guadalupe where she was instructed by the woman to go and recently understands by her mom and auntie.The woman took his niece's mobile phone and instruct her to buy an envelope. After the last instruction, Isidro told according to the footage that his niece apparently returned her consciousness and awake from hypnotism and return to her house not knowing what happen to her.

His niece travels by walking from West Guadalupe to their home in West Rembo Makati. His family saw her in front of barangay West Rembo Makati where the child to return to take her bag. Kindly see the CCTV footage which shows the incident that Isidro the Facebook user that upload this video on his social media account Facebook. What will be your action if your child will be hypnotized by this strange woman? Still, you are believing in this modern times and advance technology about this incident? Share your comments netizens!

Source: TNP
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