From her explanation, she already finished off cleaning three bedrooms, three comfort rooms, kitchens, living room and the balance to finish was the outside surroundings of the house. She woke up early in the morning to clean her employer's car. She works and finishes immediately all the household activities because she came from her day off. Even though she was not feeling well, over fatigue and sleepy she must continue to work to finish her daily task.This is the situation of all domestic helpers in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
But for this OFW she works positively to finish all her daily task even she was not feeling well, sleepy and over fatigue. The job was well done by our 'kabayan' in spite of complaining she made a video recording to fight the sleepiness she felt so that she can finish her daily task for the day.It is an inspiration to all our countrymen this video showing the industriousness of OFW in the foreign country.