You have Shorter Height? Here's the Natural Method of Becoming Taller!

Sometimes you notice that your friends suddenly develop their height and you were left behind. And comparing to your families and relatives that they are tall and you are conscious why your height is not the same as them and you are trying to come close to their height. The height of a person is determined by genes and this is out of our control.There are many reasons that affect the height in the teen years that can be controlled such as food and daily activities.The methods below must be followed to become taller naturally.

1.Have a balanced diet. A person will look smaller when you are fat and chubby. by eating nutritious and balance diet it will boost your body system to become taller. By eating enough protein like chicken meat, fish and dairy will enhance the growth of muscles and bones become healthy.Avoid carbohydrates such as pizza, cakes, sweets and delicacies.Eat enough calcium found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. dairy products like milk and yogurt promoting healthy bones.Enough zinc intake.Oysters, wheat germ. pumpkin, peanuts, and crab is a great source of zinc.Get enough vitamin D can be found in fish and mushrooms and some cereals and milk are vitamin D rich food.Exposure to sunlight in the morning for 15 minutes from 6 AM to 10 AM your body get enough vitamin D for your body.

2. Throughout your puberty and teen years, it is better to have a regular exercise.Regular exercise will help you to grow taller during your teen years and working your muscles regularly for half ann hour every day. By joining in a Gym you will have an access to many different exercise and equipment for muscle building.And have a regular workout every day. Or just walk around in every place you like to go like public parks, grocery library or going to school.

3. Have plenty of sleep every night. It is the time that your body grows when sleeping and by enough sleep, you makes your body have enough time for growth.Have 9-11 hours of sleep in your pre-teen years and even you are under 21 of age. Enough sleep will boost your body in the production of human growth hormones (HGH) which is produced in your pituitary gland.
 4.You must know that your height is determined by your genes.According to the scientist about 60% to 80% of your height is determined by your genes. If you have smaller parents means that you have more chance of being smaller in height.

5.Try not to hinder your growth. There are many things you can do to increase your height and you can have many steps to make your height not to be hinder by environmental influences.

6. Anticipate yourself that you will grow and increase your height until 20 years of age. If you're under 18 years of age your increase in height still continue but it will stop when you reach 20 years old.

Source: wikiHow
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