De Lima humiliated the Filipinos in CNN by giving bad image to the country

Sen Leila De Lima recently receive awards in the United States of America and was interviewed by CNN. The anchorwoman introduces her as the ousted chairman of the Committee on Justice that investigated the extra-judicial k*llings. And has been accused to ill*gal dr*g trade by the administration allies and have threats in her life and most of all the leading critic of Duterte administration concerning the extra-judicial k*llings in the Philippines.The anchorwoman ask her "how did you able to carry on and continue despite to stop this k*llings?

The lady senator straightly answered the question with this " Well I just have to really continue fighting because in the first place k*llings are continued up to this moment k*llings are happening, there are daily k*llings in the country today that's why I have to call for the senate probe into the state of extra-judicial k*lling and that's why again I incurred his ire after having done so,7 years ago in 2009, I also investigated the prevalence of k*llings in Davao City attributed to the so-called Davao D*ath Squad, so since k*illings continue I have to continue to criticize in it and calling for the end of those k*llings because that is totally unacceptable in the name so called w*r on dr*gs that cannot be the solution.

It was a very shameful and scandalous to all Filipino around the world that she's making the country looks bad in the eyes of the foreign country. The majority of the Filipino people supports the present Duterte Administration to fight against illegal dr*g trade and corruption and crimes in the country. It was a part of corruption in the country because of many politicians, government agency officials are involved protecting the dr*g lord base on the investigation of the PNP and PDEA and other government agencies concerning the w*r on dr*gs.

Source: Duterte Defenders Solid
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