Sen. Manny Pacquiao debates Sen. Kiko Pangilinan regarding the reimposition of de*th penalty

Sen. Manny Pacquiao the boxer icon turned Senator delivers his privilege speech on reimposing the de*th penalty. During his deliverance of speech Sen. Kiko Pangilinan interpellates with the boxing icon about his stand on the reimposition of de*th penalty issue in the country. Sen Kiko Pangilinan insists that according to data gathered that there is no data supporting upon the imposing of the de*th penalty after the 7 exec*tion of the conv*cted crim*nals the crime rate has risen 15.3%, because of this data submitted to the committee on justice upon the discussion of the abolition of the de*th penalty.This is the one reason why the de*th penalty was abolished and stopped the de*th penalty in the country. Sen. Kiko Pangilinan corrected the boxing icon turned Senator Manny Pacquiao that the de*th penalty is not removed from the constitution but only stop the imposition.

The Humble senator accepts the correction of Senator Pangilinan saying " I stand corrected if this is the explanation of the honorable senator." Sen. Kiko Pangilinan continued to ask if there is any data that will prove that because of de*th penalty abolition has a direct relation to the rise of cr*mes, because there is a clear data that even there is 7 execution after 1 year the cr*me rate rise proves that even there is a de*th penalty is not a proof that the cr*me rates will go down.

Sen Manny Pacquiao continues his speech that the reference must be the countries with de*th penalty concerning the dr*g traffickers, the crime rates has rise pertaining to dr*gs or it goes down? We are talking about de*th penalty against dr*g traffickers and base on the countries with a de*th penalty on dr*g traffickers the cr*me rate are very low, it depends on the implementation of the law of the administration and he believes that this administration will impose strictly and we are fighting for the rights of the Filipino people, peace and order in our country.He finally agrees to the reforms of the law and to have strictly imposed the laws against dr*g traffickers because that is the real problems of the country, the roots of the crime.This is how Sen. Manny Pacquiao smartly answers Sen. Kiko Pangilinan on his privilege speech.

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