Donald Trump warns by China State Controlled Magazine

China's state-controlled Magazine warns the wild talking President -elect with the saying" Pride goes before a fall." Beijing is now looking for President-Elect Donald Trump pressure points. The Global Times writes after Donald Trump that he might recognize Taiwan which was a province of China. The President-Elect Donald Trump makes a 10 minutes telephone conversation with the Taiwan's first female President Tsai Ing Wen.

The Newspaper added a warning to Donald Trump that he strategically despise the communist Country with a wise man saying " Pride goes before a fall Jessica Weiss a Chinese foreign policy and politics expert from Cornell University.

She told that the tough language coming from Beijing was a campaign to educate Donald Trump and his administration before he starts his office on January 20, 2017. Weiss added that Beijing is now looking for Donald Trump's pressure points so that trump will response especially to the econmic issue.

Taiwan fears, an independent country and former province of China which Beijing Claims to be of China will face economic and political retaliation from China before targeting the United States ofAmerica.

Source: theguardian
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