7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Communicate With You

There are many theories and speculations that guardian angels exist in this world. These spiritual beings are always there beside us, and the Bible does not give the exact time of their creation. Their existence is before the human was created by the Supreme Being. The Almighty God give them wisdom, freedom, and power and based on the new testament in the bible they have different roles assigned by the Almighty God.

The majority of people believes that the guardian angels are at our sides many times to guide us and help in times of need. These spiritual beings are guiding us and intrude our thought to assist us. Despite everything, how you perceive the truth, the secrecy of this spiritual beings has nothing changed.

Here are the 7 signs listed below that these spiritual beings are trying to communicate with you.

1. Changes in Temperature- The temperatures may change drastically warmer or colder without any reason. It is because the guardian angels are able to increase the molecules in the air and for this cause you will understand that they like to communicate with you.

2. Unexplained Fragrances- If you smell an indefinite fragrance all around you and the smell is very pleasant, the guardian angel may like to embrace and hug you.

3. Voices Murmuring To You- You may be thinking that sometimes you are a little insane, but the circumstances is a better thing. You are welcome to the fondness of the universe, while others are not.

4. Different Colored Lights- Having a witness of various and mixed lights roaming and streaming around you are indications of angels. You may see a flash of lights roaming around you.

5. Unexpected Feathers- There is a popular saying" When angels are near feathers appear" is really right. Spiritual custodians like angels want to leave feathers as a notice and sign of their presence and they are watching us.

6. Communicating Through Dreams- You cannot keep in mind you dream when you sleep but you feel better, stronger and more confident in the way you take.

7. Feeling Like You're Being Followed- Sometimes you feel that there is something following you wherever you go but you cannot see them with your naked eyes but you feel their presence.It simply means that they are beside you.

How about you? Do you experienced and encounters the signs that are written above? Kindly share your experiences similar to the above writings.

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