A Young Filipino Girl Claims That She Experienced The Heaven And Hell, She Saw Famous People Like Dolphy, Pope John Paul II And Michael Jackson

Many people encounter a near death and reveal many different things that may amaze to the mind of the people that hears their revelation. Some of them able to see an angel guiding them on the way to heaven and others saw the most horrible place like hell that many are suffering. A Filipino kid reveals her vision through dreams that saw the heaven and hell after sleeping for 33 long hours. The unidentified girl reveals her prophetic visions of heaven and hell by the interview and uploaded to YouTube. The video makes many rounds on the internet and social media and religious people share this as a sign and revelation when the people will end their life on Earth and where there will be their final destination according to their works.

According to her, she saw numerous quantity of popular people like Dolphy, the King of Comedy. In addition to that, the international icon Michael Jackson, the King of Pop and the highly admire religious leader Pope John Paul II were also suffering in the fires of hell.And the saddest part of her revelation was even her own father was witness by her that also suffers in the fires of hell and her father told that it is not the right place and he must be out of the place immediately.

All the people in that place are requesting for help and give even a small drop of water to refresh them and regain their strength.The kid also describes the beautiful image of the heaven that cannot compare even the most beautiful place on the Earth. The kid added that even the demons warned her not to look all over the place so that she can escape to that fiery place. Did the kid actually see the situation of people in hell and also in heaven? Do you believe in her revelation that it is presently happening in that place of torment and happiness? Let us know your idea and opinion regarding this video?

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