Maine Mendoza Escapes Fans At The Shopping Mall? Watch And Know The Whole Story!

The popularity of Maine Mendoza cannot be stopped by anybody because she captures the heart of the Filipino viewers here and abroad. And it is usual that every people who have a chance and opportunity to have a souvenir photo with her is a big blessing and a fortunate day to have with it. In this video, the phenomenal star tries to escape with her fans requesting to have a souvenir photo with her.She was at the shopping mall that time when the two avid fans saw the phenomenal star and try to have a picture with her. But the reaction of the phenomenal star was hilarious that it ends to a chasing incident. The two obsessed fans were chasing her anywhere she goes starting in the hallways, inside the department store where the phenomenal star is choosing a dress and immediately hide in the rack of clothes.

It seems the reaction of Maine is so funny that she tries to hide even inside the clothes rack so that she can escape ith her two obsessed fans. Even she portrays as a mannequin and it was recognized by the two avid fans ad shouted to her Yaya! On their way going to another floor of the shopping mall. and on their way on the escalator, they saw the phenomenal star going down to another floor.It was the time when Maine Mendoza was paying to the counter when the two avid fans saw her and continue chasing the phenomenal star, she almost forgets the clothes she bought and the counter call her to remind that she forgot the item she bought.

But to this avid fans, they did not lose hope and continue to search for the phenomenal star. In the end, the Direk Pat and Oreo pretending to be the obsessed avid fan of Maine Mendoza again saw her outside the shopping mall in the parking area and requested to have a picture even it is blurred.And for the people who didn't know Maine Mendoza very well, it is only an acting and it was made to entertain the fans and AlDub Nation. Because in reality, it is the reverse character and behavior of Maine Mendoza. She always accommodates and entertains her fans in the best as she can that's why she was very much loved by them.

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