Muay Thai Student Dislocated His Knee After A Kickboxing Demonstration Goes Terribly Wrong

There are various types of contact sports and Muay Thai is included. It is the use of extreme kicking particularly on the legs of the opponent. For technical definition, it is a form of boxing that was created in Thailand. It requires the physical and mental strength in order for the person interested in it to practice the technics. As a matter of fact, it is known for as the "Art of Eight Limbs" because of the fists, elbows, knees, and part of the leg were utilized for the sports. And because of the nature of this other kind of boxing, several kinds of kicking methods are involved in Muay Thai.

A certain video of a certain Muay Thai Student which was uploaded in YouTube got his legs bent like a curve and very unnatural compared to the normal one. It seems shocking but based on the video the low kick demonstration of the instructor came up to a painful injury for the student. The demonstration of the Muay Thai Instructor went wrong which resulted in a leg injury.

Based on the video the student's knee was bent at a terrifying angle of 45 degrees. At the last part of the video, the student fell down on the floor and encounters a horrifying knee dislocation. At the moment of the incident, what are the reactions of his Muay Thai Instructor and other students in the area? Kindly watch the video and see the full story below. After watching the video, what is your opinion and comments regarding the incident?

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