Ano alam nina Tatay Dub at Daddy Bae sa Relasyon ni Maine at Alden

Recently Daddy Bae posted on his Twitter account regarding the true relationship of Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza. Daddy Bae posted on his Twitter account
" BALAE! Pa fansign plith!" 
Until now Tatay Dub has no negative reactions regarding the post of Daddy Bae. From the famous saying "silent means yes" it is very obvious that Tatay Dub has no against the post of Daddy Bae. The culture and custom of Filipino particularly in the province that calling 'Balae' to someone parent is sacred. It is not a joke to call another person 'BALAE' but it meant formal of having an understanding between the parents of the man and woman who are in a relationship. AlDub Nation @CNiyago also knows the importance and sacredness of calling a 'BALAE'
" So very true, I wouldn't dare call anyone that unless I mean it. That word is sacred!".

It is not a joke and very sacred particularly when you have a daughter which is in a relationship with the parent of the man.Other people giving some meaning to this incident of calling Tatay Dub as 'BALAE' of Daddy Bae that this is scripted and not came from the heart of Daddy Bae when he called Tatay Dub a 'BALAE'. And if they remember Alden Richards is not kissing the hand (Mano)of Tatay Dub but only shake hands compared today that Alden Richards shows a gesture of respect by kissing the hand (Mano)of Tatay Dub.

Tatay Dub will not make a joke and it is not scripted since his daughter is with him.And normally in Filipino customs and tradition, it will not be considered as a joke but it is a matter of importance between the two parents calling 'BALAE' with each other.The two parents are now very close to each other and thy have understanding between the relationship of the phenomenal love team.It is obvious that the calling of 'Balae' between the two parents shows and inform the public that the phenomenal love team relationship was known for the both parents.

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