Liza Soberano Reacts to Her Critics Who Criticize Her For Taking The DARNA Role!

It is the time that the fans and supporters of Liza Soberano must celebrate for taking the Darna role which has been the most sensationalized superheroine in the country. It is an original superheroine comic character made by Mars Ravelo. Many netizen and fans are looking for another young actress they think that is well deserving the characterizing the popular Filipina superheroine 'Darna'. Because of her skills and her gorgeousness, several people admire and look up to Darna. And because of this, various Filipino netizen expressed their mixed statements and comments when the Kapamilya Network ABS-CBN declared that Liza Soberano is the fortunate star who would play the role of Iconic superheroine Darna in the upcoming remake of this popular Filipino Television series.

Definitely, the fans and supporter of this pretty young star and they were proud and excited that she is the winner of the most coveted character. Despite this good news, not all of her fans are happy upon hearing it. Because they claimed that Liza's nationality would slow down her delivery of having a better performance. They said that since she is not fluent in a Filipino language, it is difficult for her to pronounced good lines in the Filipino language.

Somebody are specifying that her role may also affect her skills of acting. The majority knows that she is a soft-spoken young actress, and they claimed that her acting skills are not suitable for Darna role, since Darna is popular of being courageous and tough. They also mention that the costume will be less daring. They told that she must adjust to meet the expectation of the viewers to make them satisfied with what the latest Darna would be alike. What can you say about the reaction of the bashers? Is she deserves the Darna role for this much awaited Filipino Television series?

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