Why Did Maine Mendoza Deactivate Her Twitter Account? What Is The Reason Behind This Act Of The Phenomenal Star?

The phenomenal star Maine Mendoza recently puzzled the AlDub nation of deactivating her Twitter account. It is the only way to the majority of the AlDub Nation to know the updates regarding the phenomenal star. What are the reasons that question to the mind of the AlDub Nation that Maine Mendoza decided to deactivate her social media account? And even the post of her brother Nico Mendoza puzzled the AlDub Nation. Here is the alleged post of the younger brother of Maine Mendoza
"Don't worry po, hindi siya galit. But for now, pabayaan muna natin siya." 
 And because of Maine's younger brother post on social media, a few fan groups of the AlDub Nation posted a screen shot. In this post of the younger brother of Maine Mendoza explains and reveals the reason of deactivating the Twitter account of the phenomenal star.

Here is the full text posted by the brother of Maine Mendoza
" She deactivated her Twitter account for a reason. She needs a break. Hope y'all understand. Don't worry po, hindi siya galit. But for now, pabayaan muna natin sya.Spread LOVE not WAR. Thank You and God Bless" 
 And if we consider the last post of the phenomenal star on her Twitter account it coincide with her latest post before deactivating it"

Here is the latest post of the phenomenal star before deactivating her Twitter account
"When peace & love are no longer being served; and whenever you find yourself taking in so much negativity, you have to take a break and reflect.Sometimes we need to disconnect to reconnect. Taking a break is necessary to save yourself and others from drowning. I hope we all stop pulling each other down" 
 And if we remember that the phenomenal star Maine Mendoza requested her fans and AlDub Nation to stopped foul words. Presently the phenomenal star is on her short vacation in Maldives, her dream place for vacation.

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