Maine at Alden, may hindi maitago

Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza always giving happiness to the AlDub Nation. many bashers commenting that in off camera Alden and Maine were not happy. It was only a negative idea from the basher but if you can see their photo in an off camera when they are relaxing in the Kalye Serye Segment of Eat Bulaga they are happy and talking each other while resting. It is different situation compare to the bashers that the phenomenal couple were lonely and not talking each other. What you see in the photo in this video was reverse from the comments of the bashers.

The phenomenal couple was happy, talking each other and they have their own world talking and laughing. The tweet of AlDub Nation reverse the comments of the bashers with hashtag #ALDUBInsecurities " Our bibis are not happy off cam, what you see is what you see." The photo was the reverse of the bashers comment to the phenomenal couple.The happiness of the phenomenal couple cannot be hidden even in off camera.

This is the truth that the phenomenal couple is happy and romantic on or off camera.To the bashers that are bitter and insecure just keep silent and watch this video. Because Aldub Nation knows very well the romantic and sweet moments of the phenomenal couple off or on camera.Alden and Maine stay sweeter and sweeter every day.

Maine hinabol at ginulat ni Alden Richards
Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza has entertained the AlDub Nation in the Kalye Serye Segment of Eat Bulaga. From the video of an Instagram of AlDub Fans, Alden is chasing Maine Mendoza. The stubbornness of Maine Mendoza was adopted by Alden in the Kalye Serye Series. Before it was Alden is very serious in the Kalye Serye Segment and Maine Mendoza was like a stubborn child. But now it is reverse , Alden is like a stubborn a child who wants to surprise his playmate. Maine Mendoza was surprised by the stubbornness of Alden Richards that she beat Alden Richards with her hands.

After surprising Maine Mendoza , Alden was like a child laughing at the girl he surprised. Alden Richards was so funny and stubborn as AlDub Nation comments in this Instagram video. This is the post of a fan from Instagram " He is chasing just 1 girl.. and that is Maine! Ang kulit lng ni Tisoy! Ahehe! yung nang gugulat si kissoy nahampas ka tuloy Hahaha"

The child-like stubbornness of Alden Richards with Maine Mendoza makes the Aldub Nation excited and kilig moments.They are always happy and funny in Kalye Serye that makes the fans entertained and forget their problems and remove the stress. Alden always be funny and happy so that AlDub Nation and viewers were happy and you make their day stress free.

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